Resep mudah Fried Udon Lezat Mantap

Resep terbaru, lezat dan Gampang.

Resep Fried Udon mudah, cepat, praktis. This fried udon tastes so good that it's totally fine to make it without the egg topping. But if you want to make the dish perfect, a sunny side up egg (or two!) is the way to go. Alternatively, add a handful of shredded cheese onto your noodles while it's hot, so the residual heat will melt the cheese.

Fried Udon With some shredded cabbage, shrimp, mushroom, carrot, and the generous use of sweet soy sauce, this humble Malaysian-style fried udon takes me back to Malaysia. Udon noodles are very versatile - in hot noodle soup like Kitsune Udon and Nabeyaki Udon, in cold noodle dishes like Tanuki Udon, and lastly, in stir-fried dishes like Yaki Udon. Yakisoba - Yakisoba uses chukamen (中華麺), yellowish Chinese style noodles made with wheat flour and kansui (alkaline solution). Malam Bunda, saat ini bunda bisa menyajikan resep Fried Udon dengan 6 bahan dan 5 tahapan. Di bawah ini bun cara membuatnya, tolong teliti baik-baik.


Bahan bahan Fried Udon

  1. Dibutuhkan 250 gr : udon.
  2. Persiapkan : Bahan unt menumis: 1/2 siung bawang bombay,2 siung bawang merah,2 siung bawang putih,3 buah cabe merah keriting,1 cabe merah rawit.
  3. Menyiapkan 2 butir : telur.
  4. Siapkan : Scukupnya minyak wijen(sesame oil).
  5. Siapkan : Bahan bumbu: 20ml air, 1 sdm kecap inggris(me: ga pake),1 sdt soy sauce,1 sdt kecap manis,sejumput garam,sejumput gula,scukupnya royko sapi(me:kaldu jamur).
  6. Siapkan : Topping: parutan keju,irisan daun bawang,irisan cabe(aku tmbahin sndiri krna penyuka pedes).

Add the stock, soy sauce, sesame oil, shrimp and chicken; remove from the heat. As I have explained in basic Japanese food terms, "Yaki" means fry or grill. Udon is a Japanese noodle made out of wheat flour. Udon is a very popular noodle in Japan because it is cheap, delicious and easy to cook in many different ways.


Step by Step memasak Fried Udon

  1. Rebus udon dgn air mendidih smpe tdk menempel lgi.angkat dan tiriskan.
  2. Potong dan iris bahan tumis..
  3. Tumis bahan untuk menumis dg minyak wijen.Lalu campurkan telur,bkin orak arik..
  4. Masukkan udon,tambahkan sedikit air.lalu diaduk.Masukkan bahan bumbu.Masak hingga matang dan air meresap.tes rasa.sekiranya sudah pas,matikan kompor dan siap dhidangkan.
  5. Tata d piring.hias dg topping.yummyyy😋😋.

So Yaki Udon is a lovely udon dish where the udon noodle is fried in a frying pan. Try making this popular Japanese restaurant classic - Stir-Fry Beef Udon Noodles - and I guarantee you'll want to add it to your regular rotation of nightly dinners!­ Have you ever had yakiudon at Japanese restaurants before? Similar to yakisoba, it's another type of stir-fry noodle dish made with thick, chewy wheat noodles. Yaki udon noodles is one of my favorite weeknight meals to make because it's so fast and easy to make! Delicious Japanese stir fried udon noodles with cabbage, onion, pork, shiitake mushrooms, flavored with mentsuyu and soy sauce.
