Resep mudah Perkedel simple Lezat Mantap

Resep terbaru, lezat dan Gampang.

Resep Perkedel simple mudah, mantul, praktis. Perkedel kentang - Indonesian potato fritters. Perkedel kentang/potato fritters are best served hot, just like any other deep-fried food. But I get it that making perkedel takes effort, and you may want to make a really big batch in one go and store them for later.

Perkedel simple In Indonesia, Perkedel is often served with Chicken soup! I don't know why they named it like that. Otherwise, this is an excellent meal, either for a side dish or an appetizer. Pagi Bunda, sekarang bunda bisa membuat resep Perkedel simple dengan 8 bahan dan 3 tahapan. Berikut ini bun cara memasaknya, tolong amati baik-baik.


Bahan bahan Perkedel simple

  1. Persiapkan 1/2 kg : kentang,kupas,goreng dan haluskan.
  2. Persiapkan 2 tangkai : daun seledri,iris halus.
  3. Persiapkan 3 Sdm : bawang goreng.
  4. Siapkan : Garam.
  5. Menyiapkan : Royko ayam.
  6. Persiapkan : Bawang putih,dihaluskan.
  7. Siapkan 1 butir : telur (untuk bahan celupan).
  8. Siapkan 1/2 sdt : lada bubuk.

Also it's a perfect companion for yellow rice if you have some festive occasions in your house like a birthday or baby shower party. The ingredients for both versions are pretty similar except Perkedel includes shallot, garlic and candlenut. In my opinion, both are equally yummy. Tip: Feel free to double the ingredients below.


Step by Step memasak Perkedel simple

  1. Campur semua bahan,aduk rata,koreksi rasa.bentuk bulat/sesuai selera.
  2. Celupkan perkedel kedalam telur (telur dikocok lepas).
  3. Panaskan minyak,goreng sampai kekuning2an.....

I like to fry up a large batch and store them in the freezer. How to Make Chinese Fried Rice. Bakwan jagung - Indonesian corn fritters. If I must pick two of the most popular side dishes/savory treats that seem to be sold everywhere in Indonesia, then I will have to settle for perkedel kentang (potato fritters) and followed closely by bakwan jagung (corn fritters). Both are delicious and the smell of these can make you feel hungry instantly even after a full course meal.
